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Introducing Parts of Body

Objective: To learn about parts of body i.e. legs with the help of song rhyme.
Teaching Aid: Chart of Leg, small picture flip book.

Method: Greet the class and do warm up activity. For today’s topic, the teacher can ask the students in the class to stomp their feet on the count of 1, 2, 3, & 4 with a combination of slow and fast motion.

Revise all the topics that have been done in the previous class. Begin today’s topic by asking the children how they come to school. Ask who all come in school bus, rickshaw, van or scooter. Ask the children to raise hands who come to school by walking. Once they raise hands, ask them which part of the body is used for walking? They will say legs. Yes so today we are going to learn about parts of our body. And we will talk about legs. Each and every part of our body is so important. Our life will not run smoothly if any body part is missing. Right!
Parts of Body activities

Show them the chart of Leg on the board. How many legs do we all have? We have two legs. That’s right. How many legs animals have? They have two legs. What about birds? They have two legs. That’s right. Let us see what all parts are there in legs. A leg has a knee, a thigh, an ankle, a foot and toes. With the help of foot we stand. Knee helps to bend our legs when we walk. An ankle connects our leg with the foot. And a thigh connects the leg with the other part of our body. We have two legs, two feet and 10 toes. Ask the children, where the knee is, where the ankle is and where is the foot and so on.
Lesson Plan parts of body
Lesson Plan parts of body

Now tell me something, what all things we can do with our legs? Can you think and answer?
Show the flip book page by page. We can run with our legs. We can walk with our legs to any place. We can play football. We can jump, hop and skip with our legs. We can skate with our legs. We love to cycle and with our legs we can do cycling. We wear our shoes and socks in our feet.
Without legs, life will be so difficult. So we should always take care of our body. We should do regular exercise and eat healthy food. To keep our bones strong, we should drink milk every day.

So now did everyone understand parts of body?
Let us sing a rhyme with actions.
"Hop a little
Jump a little,

One Two Three.
Run a little,
Skip a little,
Tap One knee.

Bend a little,
Stretch a little;
Nod your head.

Yawn a little;
Sleep a little;
On your bed."

Repeat again.

Recap: Teacher can ask below questions.
What are legs used for?
How many legs do we all have?
How many toes do we all have?

Activity for Parts of Body
Shoes Picture Puzzle
Lesson plan parts of body
Materials Required: Picture puzzle prepared by the teacher on Popsicle stick or thick paper
Method: Teacher needs to prepare a picture puzzle of shoes and ask the children to join it in the class room. To do this, the teacher can simply draw a picture of nice shoes on a thick paper that can be cut. She can also use Popsicle sticks instead of paper. After drawing, color it nicely and make it attractive. Turn the paper back, and make draw lines to make equal boxes. Cut the lines. Pieces of the picture are now ready. This needs to be given to the students in the classroom and ask them to re-arrange to make the shoes.

Activity for Parts of Body 
Sticking body parts on Balloon

Materials required: Balloon, cut out of hands, legs, face on paper and cello tape
Method: This is a fun activity. The teacher needs to blow a balloon and give to each child in the classroom. Along with the balloon, she also needs to give the cut out of hands, legs and face. This is a group activity. Now instruct each group, how to paste each part on the balloon. The face should be on the top, hands on the side and legs at the bottom. Each child will do this activity on the balloon given by the teacher. This can also be done at home with parents.

Click here to check lesson plan for shapes.

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