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Lesson Plan for Preschool - Vegetable Brinjal

A lesson plan is a great tool that helps teachers conduct a classroom session on a particular topic. Lesson plans are detailed instruction and it is indeed time consuming. Here you can find creative sample lesson plan ideas for preschool kids. Engage your little learners with this ideas and  they will have fun while learning.

Teaching Objective: To learn about vegetable – Brinjal with the help of a puppet theatre story
Teaching Aid: Real Brinjal Vegetables of different colors and sizes. Remove the thorns if any. Stick puppet of vegetables – Brinjal, Tomato, Onion, Chilly, Carrot, Pumpkin, caterpillar, and a handmade theater box, real vegetable of Brinjal in different colour and size. Along with this I have created a theatre box which will be used for puppet story telling.

Method: Greet the class. Do warm up activity. Cover the Brinjals and the theatre box with a cloth to reveal them later.Ask if the kids like to eat vegetables. What is their favorite vegetable? Why don't they like to eat vegetables. Talk to them about importance of eating vegetables. Discuss the benefits of eating different varieties of vegetables. Eating vegetable is very important for our body. It makes us healthy and strong. Generate curiosity and ask if they know any names of vegetables. And then let them guess what is under the cloth. 

After some time tell them what is under this cloth. Ohhh!! We have a vegetable. Have you seen this vegetable before? What is the name of this vegetable? This is Brinjal. Show them the Brinjals in different sizes and colors. 
You can then discuss the below points in the classroom. Also while you discuss, you can pass the vegetable in the classroom so that the children can see it. 
  • Today we are going to learn about Brinjal. They are also called as Egg plants. Their shape is oval like an egg, hence they are called egg plants. The vegetable has little thorn on its head. So be careful while you pick Brinjals from plants or from the market.
  • Show all the Brinjal one by one to the class room. The Brinjal has many varieties in shape, size and colors. Some are green and white. But most common are the violet Brinjal. They are long and round and sometimes big too.
  • Do you know Brinjal is very good for health. It is rich source of calcium, potassium and other minerals. It helps in digestion.
  • You can't eat this vegetable raw. You need to cook it properly. When cooked, it is very tasty in the form of curry and even dry roasted. Please ask your mom to make Brinjal curry for you. Let me know if you like the taste.
  • Some may love to eat and some may dislike Brinjal. But I love to eat Brinjal.
  • Did you know Brinjal is also known as the king of vegetable. Yes, it is the king of vegetable.
Today I have an interesting story about Brinjal. And now it is time to open our next box.
Let us see what is under the cloth. Ohh, this looks like a theatre box. What is a theatre box? It is something on which we can see movie or a story. Do you want to hear a story? We are going to do a puppet story. These are our characters. Are you excited? Come on, let's begin.

Click the below link to see the puppet show : The Wise Brinjal

Recap: Teacher can ask the below questions to do recap.
Who is the king of vegetable? What are the colors of Brinjal?

Are you looking out for a sample lesson plan for flowers? We have covered it here. Do check out and share your ideas. 

Art Activity for Vegetable

Teacher can think of simple art activity for vegetable which can be creative and fun learning. Here I have listed below activities that are simple and easy and it can be done in less time.

Making Brinjal with Crumpling Balls
Things required: Purple tissue or crepe paper, glue and a template of Brinjal on paper
  • Take a small amount of tissue paper to crumple it to make a small ball. The size of the ball could be less than 1 cm. 
  • Make enough of such balls to fill in the template of the Brinjal. Teacher can make these balls before hand depending on the age of the children in school and time limit for the activity. 
  • Once all the paper is crumpled, the balls can be stick on the outline of Brinjal on the paper.
Also, a worksheet to colour the Brinjal can be given too for a home work or class work activity.
The kids can colour the Brinjal at home with the help of crayons under supervision.


The above lesson plan for preschool is a sample for upcoming preschool teachers. You can use this for free and add your own ideas and technique. Hope you liked this article and it was helpful for you.

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