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Introducing the Flower – Marigold

Objective: To learn about Marigold flower with the help of a song rhyme
Teaching Aid: Marigold flowers of different colors like Red, Yellow, Orange

Method: Greet the class and do warm up activity.Ask the children, do they like flowers? What is their favorite flower? Do they have a flower pot at home? What is the name of the flower pot at home? Introduce Marigold flower to the class. Ask them, if they have seen this flower before? It is found everywhere. Marigold flower has many colors like Orange, Yellow, Red and many more. The petal of the flower is very small. It has many varieties and species.
lesson plan flowers

lesson plan flowers
 It has a nice smell. It is used for making different medicines and oil for skin diseases. It is beneficial in treating insect bites.

It is also used for making garlands, decoration for wedding, festivals and rangoli. Marigold flower is grown in big farms. You can also grow this flower at your home.

Now, let us sing a beautiful rhyme of Marigold.
lesson plan flowers

Gold is my color, for each of my flowers;
Can you guess my name?
I have Yellow petals for Hansel and Gretel;
Can you guess my name?
Marigold Marigold, what's your name?
Marigold Marigold, that's my name!!

Original link of the rhyme is here.

Recap: Teacher can ask below questions to do the recap.
What is the colour of Marigold? What is Marigold used for?

Click here to check lesson plan for shapes.

Activity for Flower Marigold
Marigold Flower Craft
Marigold Kids craft
Things required: Marigold flower petals, glue, Green crayon
Method: The teacher needs to create the outline of the Marigold flower. The kids simply have to apply glue on the paper and paste the petals of the Marigold flower.
This is an interesting activity. The art is very simple and it looks very beautiful once completed.

Click here to check lesson plan for shapes.

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