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Introducing the Animal - Lion

Objective: To learn about Lion with the help of a rhyme song and a story
Teaching Aid: Face Mask of Lion, finger puppet of Lion and Mouse

Method: Greet the class and do warm up activity. Ask the children if they have ever been to zoo or a national park. Which animals have they seen? Who is the king of the Jungle? Kids may answer Lion. Yeah, so today we are going to learn about Lion.
Lion is a wild animal. It lives in forest. What does it eat? Does it eat grass? No. It hunts for other animals. It eats them whenever hungry. It is a carnivores animal. In the forest, the Lion lives in a den. The female Lion is called a Lioness and the baby is called a cub. Have you seen Lion? You can see Lion in the zoo or animal sanctuaries. Lion is brown in color. There are white Lions too. Lion has a mane around its neck. Lion is very powerful animal. It rules the jungle. That is why, it is called the king of the Jungle.

Now everyone knows about Lion. Do you know there is a story of Lion and the Mouse?
Teacher will do story telling using finger puppet.

The Lion and the Mouse
lion and the mouse
Once upon a time, there was a Lion who was sleeping in the forest. Just then a little Mouse came running. He ran up and down on the Lion. This disturbed the Lion. The lion woke up from his sleep. He caught up the mouse angrily and tried to kill him. The mouse cried, “O king of the Jungle, Pardon me. Please let me go. Someday I will return you the favor.”
The lion laughed. He said, “How will a little mouse like you return a favor?”
The lion felt pity on the mouse and he let him go.
lesson plan animal
One day, the lion was caught up in a hunter’s net. He roared and roared. He cried for help. He tried to escape but all was in vain. Just then the mouse heard the lion and came there.
Within no time, the mouse nibbled the net with his sharp teeth. Soon, the lion was free. The mouse said, “See, didn’t I tell you that I will return your favor.”
The lion realized that he was wrong. He apologized for his arrogance. The lion thanked the mouse and they both became great friends.

Moral: Kindness will always bring its reward.

Do you like Lion? Next time, don't forget to see Lion in the zoo or animal park. Let us sing a rhyme song about Lion. Wear the face mask and sing a song.
lesson plan animal
“Roar says the lion, when it walks up and down;
King of the Jungle, but wears no crown;
It has a brown mane and a long long tail;
It runs to its den whenever it rains.”

Original link of the rhyme is here.

Recap: Teacher can ask the below question to do the recap.
Who is the king of the Jungle? What does the Lion eat? Where does the Lion lives?

Click here to check lesson plan for Fruits.

Activity for Animals
Lion face Puzzle
Ice cream stick puzzle

Things required: Lion face drawn on ice cream stick by the teacher
Method: Teacher needs to use ice cream stick to draw a face of Lion. It can be done using poster color or acrylic color. The sticks need to be then arranged by the kids in the class to make the lion face.

Click here to check lesson plan for Fruits.

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