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Lesson Plan for Toddlers Preschool - Fruits Strawberry

Lesson plans are important planning tool for preschool teachers. With the help of this sample lesson plan a teacher can easily plan out activities that needs to be done in the classroom on a particular topic for preschool children. This post is about lesson plan for Fruits that can be taught with the help of an interesting stick puppet story. 

Lesson Plan Objective: To learn about fruit Strawberry with the help of a story
Teaching Aid: Stick puppet of fruits i.e. Apple, Banana, Pineapple and Strawberry which will be used for a short story telling. 

Method: Teacher can initiate a discussion with the classroom by talking about fruits in general. Ask the children with simple questions like What is their favorite fruit? Why do they like it? What is the taste? Today we are going to learn about Strawberries. The shape of this fruit is like a heart. It looks so lovely with a bright red colour. Strawberry is the only fruit which has seeds outside. And guess what, we can eat the seeds too.

Do you know what is this fruit used for? Discuss the uses and features of Strawberries.

  • Strawberry is used in making jams, jelly, candies, and yummy strawberry milkshake.
  • This fruit is very good for health. 
  • The taste is sweet and tangy. 
  • This fruit is good for health.
  • It has high source of vitamin C.
  • Strawberry is a seasonal fruit. That means we can't find strawberry all year along.
  • It is grown in bushes and in very cold climate. 

Do you want to hear a story about Strawberry? Are you excited? Today I am going to tell you a sweet surprise story of Strawberry's birthday. Let us begin.

Sweet Strawberry Surprise Story
Introduce the characters as below. Fruit puppet sticks have been used here. You can then follow the below story. 

Preschool Lesson Plan

Strawberry was very excited today and why not? It is her two weeks birthday. She was day dreaming about her birthday gifts. She wondered what gifts her friends will give. 

In the fruit orchard, she went to her friend, Apple. She asked, “Apple, do you know what day is today? Apple said, “Yes, it is Monday and I have lot of work to do. I am busy. Talk to you later.” 

Strawberry was very disappointed. She then went to Banana and asked, “Banana Banana, do you know what day is today?” “Yes, it is my cleaning day and I am cleaning my home,” replied the Banana and off he went to clean his tree.

Strawberry was heartbroken now. She was very sad and she started crying. She thought and said to herself, “Nobody remembers my birthday. Everyone is busy.” She sobbed more. “Don't cry Strawberry,” came a voice from behind. It was Pineapple. “Come with me,” he said.

“Where are we going?” sniffed Strawberry. “Come and see yourself,” said Pineapple. And they walked towards the garden. Just then, she heard a loud SURPRISE!!

All her friends were waiting for her in the garden. Happy Birthday Strawberry!! Strawberry was very surprised and said, “I thought you all had forgotten.” “How can we forget? We wanted to surprise you,” replied her friends. Pineapple bought a special strawberry cup cake and they all sang a birthday song to her. Her friends brought lot of gifts to her. On this special day, she received presents like Strawberry ice cream, Strawberry jam, and candies.

Strawberry thanked all her friends and told them, “This is my best birthday ever.”

Preschool Lesson Plan

Recap:Teacher can ask the below questions to the class to do recap.

  • What is the color of strawberry? 
  • Where are the seeds of strawberry? 
  • What is the taste of strawberry?

Are you looking out for a sample lesson plan for vegetables? We have covered it here. Do check out and share your ideas and thoughts. 

Preschool Activity Ideas for Fruits

Process Art Using Hand Print To Make Strawberry 

Things required: White construction paper, Red, Green and Black poster colour, Q tip
  • Pour the Red color in a plate enough to paint the hands of a kid. 
  • Now color the hand of the kids in Red and take the impression on the white construction paper.
  • Wipe or wash the Red paint from the hand. 
  • With the help of paint brush, paint a small amount of Green colour on the thumb or the finger to make the leaves. 
  • Take the impression of the thumb as shown below. 
  • Now with the help of Q tip make the seeds with Black Color. 
  • Strawberry is now ready. It will look like below. 
Tip: You can also do this activity on paper plates instead of construction paper. 
Strawberry Art and craft

Activity To Color Strawberry

Method: This activity is very simple. You can use the below template on A4 size paper. The children can simply trace it and color it with Red and Green Leaves.

Strawberry Art and craft

The above "preschool lesson plan sample" can be used by preschool teachers for kindergarten and playschool. You can use this idea for free and also add your own ideas and technique in the classroom depending on the age group. Hope you liked this article. 

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