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Introducing the Shape - Triangle

Objective: To learn about Triangle shape with the help of a monologue
Teaching Aid: Stick puppet of Tommy, the Triangle. Double taped pictures of triangle shaped mountain, roof top house, x-mas tree, ice cream with cone, slice of pizza, sandwich and watermelon

Method: Greet the class. Do warm up activity. Now put all the pictures of triangular objects on the board.Once done, ask the kids to guess if they know what they will be learning today? They can look at the board for hints. The kids might answer about pizza, ice cream, mountain etc.
There is something common in all these things.Their shape is similar.They have three sides.

Today we are going to learn about shape and it is triangle. A triangle has three sides and three corners. Show on the board how the shape of triangle looks like. Ask the kids to can make triangle shape by joining the fingers and thumbs of both hands.

And now let us meet Tommy, the triangle.
Show the stick puppet of Tommy, The Triangle.

Tommy wants to speak about himself. Let us see what he wants to say.
Hello friends, I am Tommy, the triangle. I have three sides, one two and three. I live in a house. Look at the roof top, it is triangle. Behind my house, you can see there is a huge mountain. The mountains are triangle in shape too. Look here, we have Xmas tree. It is in a triangle shape too.

Let's go to the kitchen. I will show you my favorite food. I love to eat a slice of pizza, a slice ff sandwich and a slice of watermelon. Ohh, I forgot about ice cream. I love to eat ice cream, specially in summer. Do you know, why I love to eat these food items? They all have three sides like me and are triangles too. Isn't that lovely?
Okay friends, my tummy is hungry for ice cream. I will now go and to eat ice cream. Bye.

So did you like to hear from Tommy, the triangle?

Recap: Teacher can ask the below questions. Now you all know what shape is triangle. Let us do a quick recap.Tell me how many sides many sides does the triangle shape has? Also, props in different shapes like round, square and triangle can be showed to the kids and ask if they are triangle or not.

Click here to check lesson plan for Process Art Painting.

Activity for Shape Triangle
Making triangle out of ice cream sticks

Things required: Ice cream sticks and glue and decorative items like studs or any colour of your choice.

Since the kids now know how triangles look like, let them make it with ice cream sticks.
Join two sticks first with the help of glue in the corner and stick it with the third one as the base. Triangle is ready. This can be decorated with any item. The same can be stick on paper or can be used as wall hanging.

Click here to check lesson plan for Process Art Painting.

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